Get to know me: My First Time Question Tag

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What was the first big ticket item you purchased?
I couldn't remember actually... I think it was some clothes that ends up like being few hundred of dollars in total.

What was the first book that made you cry?
Fan fiction or actual book?
Fan fiction: When love gets complicated
Actual book: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

Where was your first road trip?
I have never been on a road trip

Why did you break-up with your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
He broke up with me... Apparently he was jealous that I talked to a lot of guys.

What was the first thing you ever won?
Some medal trophy thing I think.

Who was your first best friend?
Her name was Charmaine (I think I got the spelling wrongly)

When was the first time you let a friend down?
I can't remember... I think I didn't stood up for her or is it I treat her like a stranger...

Do you believe in love at first sight?

When was the first Christmas you realized that Santa clause was not real?
I don't think I actually believe in Santa Clause because I never receive gifts from him at all...

When was your first trip to Las Vegas?
I have never been to Las Vegas

When was the first time people looked to you in a crisis?
I can't remember again... Primary school?

When was the first time you realized that you were smarter than your parents?
I'm smarted than my parents?

Who was your first sweetheart that you took home to meet your parents?
More like they come to my house to hang out or something...

Who was your first love?
His name is Keith

When was the first time you realized that you were in way over your head?
I don't think that happen yet...

What was your first phone number?
Either 84880277 or 84882477

What was your fist time in the hospital?
When my mum give birth to me?

When was the first time you finished something really big?
Primary school I finish a footlong subway...

When was the first time you took responsibility for someone elses mistake?
I don't think I took responsibility for someone else mistake

When was the first time you say the ocean?
I don't remember again...

How old where you when you first drank alcohol ?
When I was really young...

Who was the first person you had a crush on?
Some guy in nursery I think...

Who was the first person you voted for?
Verrenmax (I think I got his name wrong)

What was your first email address?

What was your first slow dance like?
I have never slow dance...

Who was the first person to have a crush on you?
I have no idea...

What do you remember about your first day of school? 
Apparently I made friends with someone when I first got on the bus...
She spoke to me in Chinese...

When was the first time someone close to you died? 
Primary 3... My great grandmother passed away...

So yea this is the My First Time Question Tag
Honestly, I have no idea what to post...
So here are some get to know me post
And hope it entertains you somehow
Goodnight loves

And here is a photo of my addiction
which is Teen Wolf

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